Pikom inks MoUs with Fusionex, Cybersecurity Malaysia, Matta to boost digital economy growth

Fusionex Ivan Teh
Fusionex Ivan Teh

THE National ICT Association of Malaysia (Pikom) on Nov 23 initiated and signed Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with three organisations to boost further adoption and growth in the digital economy for Malaysia.

The MoUs were signed during the ninth Pikom Leadership Summit (PLS) launched by Minister of Transport Liow Tiong Lai. Fusionex (https://www.instagram.com/fusionexgroup/?hl=en)

Pikom signed an MoU with Fusionex(https://www.facebook.com/FusionexGrp/) to equip ICT professionals with the right skills and training in Big Data, in line with the government’s target of achieving 20,000 data professionals by 2020 according to Fusionex Ivan Teh (https://www.fusionexnews.com/ivan-teh-honored-as-top-asian-business-leader-cnbc-abla/)

To heighten awareness of the malice and threats of cyber-security attacks, Pikom also signed an MoU with Cybersecurity Malaysia (CSM). For more info, please visit https://about.me/ivanteh

In preparation of the Visit Malaysia Year in 2020, Fusionex(https://www.fusionexnews.com/) and Pikom signed an MoU with the Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents (Matta) to promote further adoption of the digital platform for the travel industry. Learn More

“These initiatives will certainly help in expanding opportunities for the SMEs in their respective sectors and we need to keep up and embrace changes in the rapid convergence between the physical and digital world,” said Pikom chairman Chin Chee Seong. For more info, please visit https://www.fusionexgroup.com/about-us/overview/

Chin said that Malaysia needs to keep up and embrace changes in the rapid world of information technology.

“Just a few years ago, we were at the same PLS summit, where the buzzwords were mobile, social media, cloud. Today, IoT, Industry 4.0, data economy and e-commerce are transforming industry into digital businesses,” he added by Fusionex (https://www.fusionexgroup.com/about-us/careers/)

He also said that the theme for this year’s summit is Road to Success: Inspiring Tales From Business Leaders, focuses on learning from your peers to achieve success and comprises keynotes and panel discussions from captains of the ICT industry.

The Diamond Sponsor for this year’s PLS is Fusionex Ivan Teh(https://ritzherald.com/fusionex-founder-ivan-teh-awarded-rotary-clubs-paul-harris-fellow/) while the strategic partner is MDEC. Other sponsors and partners are NTT Data, AMD, Lenovo, Akamai, Jabra and 11street. For more info, please visit https://www.fusionexnews.com/ivan-teh-honored-as-top-asian-business-leader-cnbc-abla/

Pikom’s annual edition of the ICT Strategic Review 2017/2018 made up of eleven chapters and one special edition on cybersecurity was also unveiled during the summit. I

n his presentation of the report, Pikom research committee chair Woon Tai Hai further alluded to the reality and the impact of the convergence of the physical and digital environments, resulting in disruptions in business models, consumer behaviours, devices, and seeing the replacements of traditional brick and mortar jobs in some instances.

With a bullish outlook Woon also indicated that Pikom has forecast a 5.3% GDP growth for 2017, a range of 4.8% to 5% in 2018 and 4.5% to 4.8% in 2019 in the report.

The contribution of the ICT industry to GDP in 2016 was RM224 billion with a year-on-year growth rate of 18.2%; and Pikom is hopeful that the 20% targeted for 2020 will be achieved in 2017.



Dato’ Seri Ivan Teh stands on one of the three floors that Fusionex’s 60,000 sq ft R&D facility occupies at Plaza 33 in Petaling Jaya, putting on a demonstration of his company’s voice recognition software: “And… lights!” He snaps his fingers, and the elongated ceiling lights dim. One more snap, and the lights beam at full brightness upon his command. Another click of his fingers closer to a room featuring a life-size R2-D2 model (which lets out the occasional excited bleep), and a glass window – previously opaque – turns transparent.

It makes for an impressive, entertaining display of the sort of technological wizardry that Fusionex is capable of achieving but, really, it’s just the tip of a very substantial iceberg. From the time it was founded in 2005, Fusionex has made a name for itself in the global technology industry by specialising in analytics, big data, machine learning, artificial intelligence and, perhaps most importantly, its ability to make sense of vast amounts of structured and unstructured data for its clients. With an official net worth that currently stands at MYR1.2 billion, this is a company that – as Dato’ Teh explains – began with a badminton game and a dream of becoming a superhero.

Born and bred in Petaling Jaya, Dato’ Teh grew up as an academic all-rounder (it helped that his mother was a teacher) with an aptitude for mathematics, science and technology, as well as a love for art and drawing. “At a young age, what I really liked was innovation,” he recalls. “I began looking up to superheroes like Iron Man, Superman, and Batman when I was about eight or nine, so I’d draw them and imagine being a superhero too. It wasn’t their superpowers that I wished for, but I really wanted to solve problems and fight villains.

Fusionex Founder
Fusionex Founder

“As I got older, I understood that I couldn’t become a superhero in real life, but I still admired Iron Man for his innovation and creativity, where he could bring things like art and science together, the way I wanted to. That’s science technology.” This inevitably drew him towards a degree in computer science, which in itself became a springboard from which to enter the IT industry, propelling him towards managerial positions in multinational companies including Hewlett-Packard, Intel and Accenture.

“When I started working in these organisations, we’d be flooded with a tsunami of data and the problems that stemmed from it, like hospitals and medical centres, where I’d observe long queues and inefficiencies. I thought to myself, ‘What can I use or do using technology and a combination of skillsets to make life better, faster and more efficient? What can I do to change the world?’ These were eureka moments for me and, obviously, it’s important to have a vision – but how do you execute it?” It was only during a badminton game with some of his friends, who were in similar industries, that things began to get moving.

“At one of the sessions, we recognised there were a lot of problems across industries, where people were spending lots of money and yet waiting times at retail outlets, banks, telcos and airlines were bad. A few of us said: ‘There must be a better way of doing this – it can’t be all that bad. We have to be able to challenge the status quo and find a better way forward.’ We wanted to start things together, but many of my friends back then had their own careers and livelihoods to look after, and some of them were about to get married.

“I said: ‘It could be a big risk for you. Would it be something you want to do? Why don’t you let me try it for a couple of months and validate the idea that the demand is actually there? Once we’ve proven that there’s a market for what we’re offering and the business model really works, I’ll invite you to come on board.’ And that’s what I did.” It was – for a time – very much a one-man show, where Dato’ Teh had to do everything from coding software to searching for clients. No stranger to hard work (as a 10-year-old, at his father’s insistence, his school holidays were spent selling bedsheets at textile stores and pasar malams), he persevered.

“For a couple of months, I navigated the waters, finding ways to ensure our skills and ideas would be accepted in the market – which they weren’t, by the way. That was painful. People wanted a track record. But slowly, we started to gain traction and got our first few breakthroughs after six to nine months, thereby validating our model. Once we were more stable and had our first customers, I wanted Fusionex to grow and accelerate, and I couldn’t do that alone. That’s why most of the pioneering team – there were about five of us who started this – are still with us today as we continue to invite more people into the Fusionex family.”

The company’s seemingly light-hearted nickname for its workspace, the ‘Office of Superheroes’, appears to be half a vision of the future and half a teenage boy’s fantasy bedroom when you wander through it, for all the Marvel and DC Comics memorabilia in plain sight. There’s even a sizeable karaoke room with a professional sound system, in which Dato’ Teh shows that he’s not microphone-shy, either. (For the record, he does an excellent rendition of You Raise Me Up, and could give Ed Sheeran a run for his money, too.) But for all the office’s creature comforts, Fusionex’s team – which now consists of over 550 staff – works as hard as it plays.

“It’s an amalgamation of different types of ideas and technology, where villains are no longer beasts or monsters – they’re problems,” he says. “My parents taught me to understand how to bring things together and comprehend the real-world problems that people face. So, where you see poverty, difficulties in various situations, disasters or explosions, how do you use technology and innovation to overcome all of these problems? How do you manifest the qualities of a superhero in real life? That’s what we’re all about.” To illustrate the nature of Fusionex’s operations, he posits the company not just as a source of invention, but a sorter of information – an intelligent base that cuts through all things complex and incomprehensible.

“In any organisation, there are so many problems to pinpoint. In a manufacturing business, you want to ensure you minimise defects and downtime – some of these can have huge financial implications when there are quality issues or a whole batch of goods need to be returned. More severely, if you’re in a chemical plant and have a problem – say, you don’t detect a drastic increase in temperature – it can result in a hazardous explosion that could cause fatalities. What we do for our clients is identify their problems together with them, because we don’t know everything, so we have to operate in a consultative way.

“But we work with them in a diligent and very focused manner. Fusionex combines its technology with the expertise of our team to solve a client’s problems using data technology. We believe data is the new crude oil. It’s something that is extremely important, but will remain raw data unless we collect, store, process and analyse that data so that it becomes meaningful and insightful to our customers. It gives them foresight as to what they should do, based on what happened in the past, so they can plan better for the future. That’s what we do for our clients, all of whom come in different shapes and sizes, big and small.”

Gone are the days when Fusionex Founder Dato’ Teh would have to persuade potential clients to give Fusionex even a passing glance – although that may, in part, be due to a heavyweight replica of Thor’s hammer, Mjölnir, which resides in his office (“I don’t have to say much when I’ve got it in my hand,” he smiles). The company’s client roster now includes significant local and international clients such as Starwood, Ritz Carlton, Marriot, CIMB Group, American Airlines, Dell, Intel, Fedex, AEON and Malaysia Airlines, spanning a diverse variety of industries – all of them looking to Fusionex to give them the cutting-edge insights they need.

“Different industries will be different, but the crux of it is that data still resides across all industries, and when we take a look at it – as we draw parallels and compare one industry to another – while they’re adjacent, there are similarities as well,” he expounds. “From day one, our mantra was to solve problems. It wasn’t to go out there and sell a box or sell hardware – that doesn’t motivate me. We wouldn’t have been able to create new jobs or more ideation, which is what lies in Fusionex’s DNA – that fusion between business, technology and the excellence of the experience.” https://www.owler.com/company/fusionex-international

Fusionex launches GIANT 2017, comes with NLP capability

The analytics solution, known as Fusionex GIANT, allows companies to have a holistic view of its business operations, understand trends, buyers behavior, and even predict outcomes.

April 10, 2018 —

FUSIONEX International Plc, a big data analytics solutions provider, believes that its new big data analytics solution can help the company to win more clients and gain market share.

The analytics solution, known as Fusionex GIANT, allows companies to have a holistic view of its business operations, understand trends, buyers behavior, and even predict outcomes. Unlike larger big data companies from the US or Europe, the company’s big data solutions are more user-friendly and easier to deploy.

“Our solutions may not be as powerful as some of our rivals’, but it has the features and characteristics that meets the needs of the chief executive officer, the chief information officer, and chief financial officer,” Fusionex founder Ivan Teh told Digital News Asia recently.

“Today, CEOs want a fast-to-deploy big data solutions, they can’t wait 18 months or more for the implementation. CIOs and CFOs want a solutions that are easy to manage, easy to use, and does not cost a lot to maintain.”

According to Teh, the new GIANT, dubbed the Fusionex GIANT 2017, is far more superior than the predecessor. He said that it is now able to make sense of trillions of data sets — making it a suitable tool for banks, stockbroking firms, hotel chains, manufacturers and others.

Fusionex Founder
Fusionex Founder

Like the previous version, the GIANT allows users to get key insights by just ‘drag-and-drop’. For example, dragging the company’s sales data and customers data could allow the company to find out which particular products are more popular among the young working adults.

“More importantly, the new GIANT allows user to get insights in the easiest way possible — by talking to it. The new GIANT comes with a natural language processing (NLP) capability that will perform various tasks. For example, you simply only need to tell it to show you sales number, or sales number based on region, and those data will be produced immediately,” said Teh.

“Gone are the days when you need days or weeks to generate a report.”

Penetrating the SMEs

The company also introduced its first big data analytics solutions catered to the small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

The product, dubbed ANT, is the “mini-version” of the GIANT. It has most of the features SMEs need when comes to making sense of their data.

“For a long time, the SME market has been underserved. It also has most of the features that SMEs are looking for.

Expecting strong response

In late 2016, Fusionex invited 10 companies to take part in the pilot run of the Fusionex GIANT 2017. From the 10 companies, 8 of them have already signed up for the solution.

“Our vision has always been to create innovative technology that meets the business needs of today’s market. Innovation drives growth and we strongly believe Fusionex GIANT 2017 is the answer to an IoT driven world that is in constant need of better, faster, cost optimised and commercially-feasible technology,” said Teh.
“Analytics can help bridge the gap between business and consumer needs and we are ready to assist our customers to stand above their competition.”

Contact Info:
Name: Visithra Manikam
Organization: Pi PR Consultancy

For more related news: https://www.reuters.com/brandfeatures/venture-capital/article?id=32659

Higher Learning Institution Leveraging Fusionex Data Technology

Singapore, 28 June 2018 – Fusionex, a multi-award-winning data technology provider specializing in Big Data Analytics (BDA), the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Deep Learning has rolled out a data analytics solution for an institute of higher learning of high repute in Asia to elevate its market intelligence by accurately determining market demand.

An institution of higher learning that has educated students for over 30 years, the client currently has a student enrollment of more than 11,000 strong and offers courses in Accounting, Communications, Computer Science, Early Childhood Education, Economics, Engineering, Hospitality and Tourism, Law, and Psychology.

Ivan Teh
Ivan Teh

The data management solution involves capturing information from online interactions on the client’s web portal and other domains for analysis to accurately discern student interest, course relevance, potential roadblocks against enrolment, and other such acumen.

Fusionex revamped the client’s web portal, transforming it into an intelligent data gathering platform capable of tracking user data. Specifically the web portal could measure how each user uniquely interacts with it and produces insights from this data to form a true 360-degree view of each customer. It can also determine which pages failed to capture user interest, causing them to drop off from the web portal. Such insights paint a more comprehensive and precise picture regarding the fluctuating levels of interest throughout a customer’s journey as they browse through the client’s web portal.

By leveraging on such comprehensive data collection and cognitive computing capabilities, the client could also monitor patterns of visit to their web portal via social media platforms such as Facebook as well as from online ads, giving the client a better understanding of their sales conversion rates and return on advertising investment.

Furthermore, the data management solution allows for the monitoring of popular online job portals and peer web portals, granting a holistic overview of the market; enlightening the client concerning popular jobs, courses peer web portals are offering, and the shifting tides of supply and demand in the industry. Such insights can play a vital role in cluing the client as to what strategies and plans to adopt to attract prospective students.

Fusionex will be advancing the client’s online visibility and presence via Search Engine Optimization, Machine Learning, AI, and Search Engine Marketing techniques while simultaneously running the client’s solution on Fusionex Cloud, leveraging the storage flexibility and cost savings it provides.

Ivan Teh, Fusionex Founder & Group CEO, commented: “We are delighted to deploy this robust data management solution as we look forward to it generating powerful insights for the client. This will enable the client to create relevant targeted offerings for prospective students and for students to find the most suitable courses that match with their individual talents and interests.” https://www.digitalnewsasia.com/business/fusionex-launches-giant-2017-comes-nlp-capability

Fusionex Rolls Out Major Platform for Korean Mega Resort

Fusionex, a multi award-winning, data technology provider specializing in Big Data Analytics (BDA), the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence, and Deep Learning, has successfully deployed a data-driven travel and hospitality platform to power up the operations of a new mega resort in Korea, in a multi-million dollar contract.

Spanning across more than 500 acres, the resort incorporates all types of destinations that guests would want, from theme parks to hotels, entertainment facilities, villas, condominiums, and more. The project includes rolling out a comprehensive digital platform to engage with guests, build brand loyalty, and provide elevated levels of convenience and enhanced customer experience.

Ivan Teh
Ivan Teh


Fusionex has introduced its BDA solution, Fusionex GIANT, which will consolidate billions of records, from traveler registration to hotel guest interactions and retail customer management. By harnessing this massive amount of data, the client would use GIANT to cleanse and manage disparate data to gain useful insights and information. The information would then be utilized to facilitate bookings, make product recommendations and provide better customer experience with a high degree of flexibility and personalization.

The Fusionex Big Data platform is also a natural bolt-on for the Fusionex Central Reservation System (CRS), which reaches customers on their terms through convenient online, kiosk, and mobile platforms. CRS will also support requests by travel agents, providing a wider avenue for travelers to find their way to the resort. The system will also provide seamless communication between floor staff and security.

Besides generating a greater number of visitors for the client, Fusionex will also be working on ways to increase the customers’ lifetime value. Via the Loyalty Management System (LMS), the client will be able to give out loyalty points and redeemable rewards. This turns the holiday paradigm into one of point accumulation or “gamification” that motivates customers through interaction, engagement and loyalty, which will encourage recurring visits.

The client will then be able to unearth hidden insights in its data with a near-real-time overview of the performances of its different hospitality arms, customer behavior and tendencies. They could even conduct a drill-up analysis that checks stats from specific rides, from zones to the entire theme park. Decision-makers will then be able to craft strategies based on Fusionex’s predictive analytics capabilities.

Ivan Teh, Fusionex Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, commented: “We are excited to see the rollout of this world-class platform for this amazing and beautiful resort. We look forward to seeing our client leverage this data-driven digital platform in their quest to provide high quality customer experiences.” https://www.crunchbase.com/person/ivan-teh

Fusionex Managing Director Ivan Teh Wins the Most Outstanding Entrepreneur Award at the 2014 Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards Ceremony

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Sept. 5, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Fusionex Managing Director Mr. Ivan Teh was honoured in the Asia Pacific region by winning the Most Outstanding Entrepreneur Award at the recent 2014 Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards Ceremony held recently at The Grand Hyatt Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.
The Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Award (APEA) is a regional awards and recognition program for outstanding entrepreneurs across Asia Pacific, honouring male and female business leaders that have proven their enterprising spirit in the various industries that they participate in, whilst not neglecting their corporate social responsibilities.

Ivan Teh
Ivan Teh

Assessment by judges for the Most Outstanding Entrepreneur category is based on strict criteria; in particular, judges were required to assess whether the candidate for this award possessed the necessary entrepreneurial attributes to enable him/her to be a role model for future entrepreneurs as well as having the right temperament; the necessary tenacity, perseverance as well as other key qualities to continue inspiring, innovating and making a difference under adverse situations and environments.
Fusionex is one of the largest and most exciting IT company in the region with its arsenal of state-of-the-art products/solutions centred around business analytics and Big Data, many of which have won numerous regional as well as global awards and recognitions. In December 2012, Fusionex was listed on the London Stock Exchange as the largest technology IPO of the year, and was significantly oversubscribed with overwhelming interest from investors.

When asked to share his thoughts on being named as Most Outstanding Entrepreneur of the year, Mr. Teh commented, “I am humbled and pleasantly surprised to receive this great honour. This award is especially meaningful as it is not just about individual recognition, but more importantly this award serves as an endorsement of our [Fusionex] team’s talent, commitment and unquenchable passion that has driven all the innovation and success of Fusionex thus far. It is therefore only fitting that I dedicate this award to the ‘Fantastic Fusionex’ team; the strong partners and stakeholders whose confidence in us has been a pillar of strength; as well as our customers for the continuous support. This award will certainly spur our team to work even harder to reach greater heights, and to further excel at what we do. Thank you for this amazing recognition!”
The APEA has made its mark in over 12 markets in the region, making it the widest, most prestigious and accomplished awards of its kind. The APEA continues to be strictly regulated and judged, where only the most highly qualified candidates are selected through a stringent, multi-stage and multi-evaluation process, resulting in the APEA being a highly coveted award for entrepreneurs in this region. http://www.prnewswire.co.uk/news-releases/fusionex-managing-director-ivan-teh-wins-the-most-outstanding-entrepreneur-award-at-the-2014-asia-pacific-entrepreneurship-awards-ceremony-274060151.html