Higher Learning Institution Leveraging Fusionex Data Technology

Singapore, 28 June 2018 – Fusionex, a multi-award-winning data technology provider specializing in Big Data Analytics (BDA), the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Deep Learning has rolled out a data analytics solution for an institute of higher learning of high repute in Asia to elevate its market intelligence by accurately determining market demand.

An institution of higher learning that has educated students for over 30 years, the client currently has a student enrollment of more than 11,000 strong and offers courses in Accounting, Communications, Computer Science, Early Childhood Education, Economics, Engineering, Hospitality and Tourism, Law, and Psychology.

Ivan Teh
Ivan Teh

The data management solution involves capturing information from online interactions on the client’s web portal and other domains for analysis to accurately discern student interest, course relevance, potential roadblocks against enrolment, and other such acumen.

Fusionex revamped the client’s web portal, transforming it into an intelligent data gathering platform capable of tracking user data. Specifically the web portal could measure how each user uniquely interacts with it and produces insights from this data to form a true 360-degree view of each customer. It can also determine which pages failed to capture user interest, causing them to drop off from the web portal. Such insights paint a more comprehensive and precise picture regarding the fluctuating levels of interest throughout a customer’s journey as they browse through the client’s web portal.

By leveraging on such comprehensive data collection and cognitive computing capabilities, the client could also monitor patterns of visit to their web portal via social media platforms such as Facebook as well as from online ads, giving the client a better understanding of their sales conversion rates and return on advertising investment.

Furthermore, the data management solution allows for the monitoring of popular online job portals and peer web portals, granting a holistic overview of the market; enlightening the client concerning popular jobs, courses peer web portals are offering, and the shifting tides of supply and demand in the industry. Such insights can play a vital role in cluing the client as to what strategies and plans to adopt to attract prospective students.

Fusionex will be advancing the client’s online visibility and presence via Search Engine Optimization, Machine Learning, AI, and Search Engine Marketing techniques while simultaneously running the client’s solution on Fusionex Cloud, leveraging the storage flexibility and cost savings it provides.

Ivan Teh, Fusionex Founder & Group CEO, commented: “We are delighted to deploy this robust data management solution as we look forward to it generating powerful insights for the client. This will enable the client to create relevant targeted offerings for prospective students and for students to find the most suitable courses that match with their individual talents and interests.” https://www.digitalnewsasia.com/business/fusionex-launches-giant-2017-comes-nlp-capability

Fusionex Rolls Out Major Platform for Korean Mega Resort

Fusionex, a multi award-winning, data technology provider specializing in Big Data Analytics (BDA), the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence, and Deep Learning, has successfully deployed a data-driven travel and hospitality platform to power up the operations of a new mega resort in Korea, in a multi-million dollar contract.

Spanning across more than 500 acres, the resort incorporates all types of destinations that guests would want, from theme parks to hotels, entertainment facilities, villas, condominiums, and more. The project includes rolling out a comprehensive digital platform to engage with guests, build brand loyalty, and provide elevated levels of convenience and enhanced customer experience.

Ivan Teh
Ivan Teh


Fusionex has introduced its BDA solution, Fusionex GIANT, which will consolidate billions of records, from traveler registration to hotel guest interactions and retail customer management. By harnessing this massive amount of data, the client would use GIANT to cleanse and manage disparate data to gain useful insights and information. The information would then be utilized to facilitate bookings, make product recommendations and provide better customer experience with a high degree of flexibility and personalization.

The Fusionex Big Data platform is also a natural bolt-on for the Fusionex Central Reservation System (CRS), which reaches customers on their terms through convenient online, kiosk, and mobile platforms. CRS will also support requests by travel agents, providing a wider avenue for travelers to find their way to the resort. The system will also provide seamless communication between floor staff and security.

Besides generating a greater number of visitors for the client, Fusionex will also be working on ways to increase the customers’ lifetime value. Via the Loyalty Management System (LMS), the client will be able to give out loyalty points and redeemable rewards. This turns the holiday paradigm into one of point accumulation or “gamification” that motivates customers through interaction, engagement and loyalty, which will encourage recurring visits.

The client will then be able to unearth hidden insights in its data with a near-real-time overview of the performances of its different hospitality arms, customer behavior and tendencies. They could even conduct a drill-up analysis that checks stats from specific rides, from zones to the entire theme park. Decision-makers will then be able to craft strategies based on Fusionex’s predictive analytics capabilities.

Ivan Teh, Fusionex Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, commented: “We are excited to see the rollout of this world-class platform for this amazing and beautiful resort. We look forward to seeing our client leverage this data-driven digital platform in their quest to provide high quality customer experiences.” https://www.crunchbase.com/person/ivan-teh

Fusionex Managing Director Ivan Teh Wins the Most Outstanding Entrepreneur Award at the 2014 Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards Ceremony

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Sept. 5, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Fusionex Managing Director Mr. Ivan Teh was honoured in the Asia Pacific region by winning the Most Outstanding Entrepreneur Award at the recent 2014 Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards Ceremony held recently at The Grand Hyatt Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.
The Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Award (APEA) is a regional awards and recognition program for outstanding entrepreneurs across Asia Pacific, honouring male and female business leaders that have proven their enterprising spirit in the various industries that they participate in, whilst not neglecting their corporate social responsibilities.

Ivan Teh
Ivan Teh

Assessment by judges for the Most Outstanding Entrepreneur category is based on strict criteria; in particular, judges were required to assess whether the candidate for this award possessed the necessary entrepreneurial attributes to enable him/her to be a role model for future entrepreneurs as well as having the right temperament; the necessary tenacity, perseverance as well as other key qualities to continue inspiring, innovating and making a difference under adverse situations and environments.
Fusionex is one of the largest and most exciting IT company in the region with its arsenal of state-of-the-art products/solutions centred around business analytics and Big Data, many of which have won numerous regional as well as global awards and recognitions. In December 2012, Fusionex was listed on the London Stock Exchange as the largest technology IPO of the year, and was significantly oversubscribed with overwhelming interest from investors.

When asked to share his thoughts on being named as Most Outstanding Entrepreneur of the year, Mr. Teh commented, “I am humbled and pleasantly surprised to receive this great honour. This award is especially meaningful as it is not just about individual recognition, but more importantly this award serves as an endorsement of our [Fusionex] team’s talent, commitment and unquenchable passion that has driven all the innovation and success of Fusionex thus far. It is therefore only fitting that I dedicate this award to the ‘Fantastic Fusionex’ team; the strong partners and stakeholders whose confidence in us has been a pillar of strength; as well as our customers for the continuous support. This award will certainly spur our team to work even harder to reach greater heights, and to further excel at what we do. Thank you for this amazing recognition!”
The APEA has made its mark in over 12 markets in the region, making it the widest, most prestigious and accomplished awards of its kind. The APEA continues to be strictly regulated and judged, where only the most highly qualified candidates are selected through a stringent, multi-stage and multi-evaluation process, resulting in the APEA being a highly coveted award for entrepreneurs in this region. http://www.prnewswire.co.uk/news-releases/fusionex-managing-director-ivan-teh-wins-the-most-outstanding-entrepreneur-award-at-the-2014-asia-pacific-entrepreneurship-awards-ceremony-274060151.html